Wednesday, October 20, 2010

True Friends Can Be Hard to Come By...

Sometimes I get lonely. 

Often my Japanese friends are busy with school or jobs, while other live far away, so they’re not always available. As for my international student or dormitory friends, it can be difficult to become more than acquaintances. 

It’s unfortunate when the friends one can truly connect with are outnumbered by those that leave you wanting for deeper human interaction. Those many “friends”, it seems, will always be superficial. Despite one’s best efforts, some people are just incapable of intimacy or deep connections. Personally, I try to breach their surface of trivial niceties to get at a true connection, the kind we as humans all crave, but they won’t allow it. They often leave questions unanswered, let conversations prematurely die, and will not (or cannot) truly reciprocate. These are the kind of friends who pry into your own personal life, but are always vague, and reluctant to disclose anything about their own. 

It leaves me feeling lonely in their very presence. And then I wonder, do they ever let anyone in, even a little? Perhaps they are even lonelier that I am.  This is why I try to hold on tightly to those friends that actually are good at communicating and know how to genuinely connect with others. One doesn’t need too many close friends like that, but a few makes all the difference. As for the superficial companions, what they lack in empathy or intimacy they usually make up for in frivolous, fun times, and tenacious sunny dispositions. 

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