1. Some of My Simple Pleasures
- Cheap delicious food from the ubiquitous "combini"(convenient stores like 7-11, Family Mart, etc)
- Eating ridiculous foods you never knew existed (melon soda, cheese ice cream, green tea kit-kats, pizza flavored potato chips, etc)
- Drinking hot cans of milk coffee I buy for 80yen from the vending machine on cold, frosty mornings
- Every trip to the grocery store is an adventure. I never find all the things I'd like to buy, but I also always find something unexpected and new.
- Every time I successfully hang up all my laundry to dry is a triumph
- Learning how to be quick and nimble enough to secure myself a seat on the rush-hour train for my morning commute
- Public toilets that have more special features than my cellphone back home, and will do everything but wipe for you
- Cellphones that have more special features than my computer back home, and are much cuter too
- Noticing that slowly but surely the number of signs written in kanji that I am able to read is increasing
- Getting utterly lost and finding my way again
- Enjoying all the rich, traditional culture Japan has to offer, as well as its abundant and beautiful nature
- Bonding with friends as we drink to forget our homesickness
- How much gratitude I have developed for all the things I miss from home and use to take for granted
- Eating a three course meal at a family restaurant for 800yen, and not having to pay tax or tip
- Always standing out from the crowd
- Experiencing seasons completely different from the ones I am use to from home
- Learning what I'm really made of and just how strong I can actually be
Me enjoying the simple pleasure of nature |
Reading your blog for me is a simple but indescribable pleasure.